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In December of 2007, Shuchengwas entrusted by NIM to design and manufacture the Co-60 γ-ray irradiation device and positioning system.Thev device can build a reference radiation field, which can be used to the repeat of the standard dose of Co-60γ-ray, radiative protection monitoring instrument, personnel dose instrument and other instrument calibration and research. The device consists of a Co-60 γ-ray irradiation device, a rail positioning system, a laser ranging and positioning device, an integrated control cabinet, a remote monitoring system, a safety interlock system, and an infrared anti-intrusion alarm system. The Co-60 γ-ray irradiation device is composed of a C0-60 sealed γ source (10000Ci) and a scattering cavity, a shield, a shutter, a diaphragm, and a base. It uses an automatic source control and safety interlock system, with a pneumatic shutter and an automatic power-off protection switch device to ensure the safety and reliability of radioactive source operation.
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